Valenti postulates the virginity movement’s repressed sexuality has unwittingly created the very thing it seeks to eradicate: raunch

Valenti postulates the virginity movement’s repressed sexuality has unwittingly created the very thing it seeks to eradicate: raunch

Ariel Levy’s Female Chauvinist Pigs: Women and the Rise of Raunch Culture was critiqued by Valenti. She agreed with me when she says, ‚she fails in that she seems to have little sympathy for the women she interviews‘ and ‚telling young women they’re being taken advantage of isn’t necessarily the best way to effect change.‘ And she goes on to say ‚there is a middle ground between rabid antiporn Dworkinizing and Girls Gone Wild vapidity.‘

Girls Gone Wild – a popular example of deplorable „humilitainment“ and exploitation Valenti condemns as one of ‚the most sexually predatory groups in America today

it’s a roving band of would-be rapists and assaulters who get treated like celebrities wherever they go.‘ Here, it’s shown a few of those employed by GGW were in fact criminals, one of which was a serial rapist. Celý příspěvek