Data Room Watermarking and Other Security Features

As more companies make use of virtual data rooms to conduct M&A or fundraising and other financial transactions, they require additional security features to safeguard their data from tampering and theft. One of the most effective tools is the watermarking of data rooms. This feature allows for the trace of unauthorised replications back to the source by using invisible markers that make it extremely difficult to modify or remove without altering the original file.

A few different methods are used for watermarking data in the digital realm such as encrypting the watermark before embedding it in the image, and „nesting“ the watermark, making the embedded information harder to extract. Closd employs this method to protect our users‘ data and to prevent unauthorised access to the data.

In addition to safeguarding the information of our users, we also utilize document watermarking to improve security for Q&A attachments, which can be particularly sensitive in some cases. This feature automatically counts all the questions in the section for questions and answers the document. It makes it simple to refer back to them later on during an audit.

Other document-related security options are also available to help protect against unauthorized access, such as redaction which allows you to quickly and easily remove (black out) images, text and certain areas of documents to prevent disclosure of personal information and critical business information. This feature is especially useful when dealing with sensitive documents like the Q&A section of a document. It can be applied to all types of files.

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